Nick’s Roast Beef: Philly’s Ray’s Pizza

The closest thing Philadelphia has to Ray’s Pizza in New York City – a seemingly ubiquitous restaurant name that has achieved legendary and comic status – is Nick’s Roast Beef. The most well-known, and probably the oldest, is Old Original Nick’s Roast Beef in South Philly. They have a couple suburban outposts, one of whichContinue reading “Nick’s Roast Beef: Philly’s Ray’s Pizza”

Last Minute Audible Scores Big

I had big plans for lunch today. My friend Andy and I were meeting at a suburban Chinese restaurant with a menu that looks like it’s out of the 1970s. They even have foil-wrapped chicken, which is a favorite of mine and extremely difficult to find in this region. I had worked out our entireContinue reading “Last Minute Audible Scores Big”